2024 Summer Appeal


Summer Blessings dearest friends,

This Summer marks 50 years since Fr Dunstan received the gift of this land and next year is the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of  Sky Farm Hermitage.  It all began with a donation—the donation of land by Mr Norrbom. Fr Dunstan’s handwritten note is still in the Chapel reminding us that Sky Farm has developed through many generous donations—which is an unspeakable blessing and we thank you for your goodness over these many years.

Our annual fundraising makes possible improvements to the buildings and care for the land. With the 50th Anniversary approaching we would like to update the beautiful Refectory Library Building, paint the Hermitages and begin to make some of the Landscaping changes recommended for fire safety.  We hope to raise $25,000 towards these improvements.

Fr Dunstan’s gift of Sky Farm inspires us to reflect on how we listen when there is so much noise distracting us from the Voice of Wisdom?  It nudges us to find our own unique ways to cultivate silent pauses during the day. How we do this will vary: it may be quiet time with Scripture in the morning, a silent meditation before the day begins or ends, journaling, walking in nature, sitting with a beloved friend, but we need to find ways to listen to the Voice of the Divine within our soul. Sky Farm Hermitage reminds us to sit still, beside the wellspring of Life, and be renewed.

We hope you will help us towards these goals again this year. To each of you who anticipated this letter or donate monthly—thank you!

Sky Farm is a 501 c 3 Non-Profit and all donations of money or stock are tax-deductible.

Donations can be made at Online, by Zelle or Mail.

If you have any questions please call or text: 925-785-9851.

Even though you hear from us once a year, not a day passes when we aren’t aware of you, your family, your needs and concerns. With joy and thankfulness,

Sr Michaela and Br Francis